The LightHorse Project
This is a secret, hidden page that you can only find if you know it is here!
Here is the updates page for the portrait model of Teddy.
I will be posting all updates on the model as I go along and you can check back here at any time!
I will also send out the occasional email to keep you all abreast of changes as I go too.
Here is the updates page for the portrait model of Teddy.
I will be posting all updates on the model as I go along and you can check back here at any time!
I will also send out the occasional email to keep you all abreast of changes as I go too.
Above: This is the resin I have chosen for the portrait model.
Prepping of the resin is started. You can see in the above photo, some of the seam lines that have to be smoothed and also some areas filled. More photos below of some of the flaws that have to be repaired/resculpted. After all the flaws are fixed, then I will be able to get him primered. The primer will have to cure for a few days before any painting can begin.
You can see some of the seam lines are really bad. I am extremely picky, and all of this will be perfectly resculpted by the time I am done prepping.
Above, you can see a bit of the sanding done, and also some of the chatter marks in the resin that need to be filled and then smoothed. It takes a while to get the prepping done, to my specifications anyway!